An Unfortunate Event?


So last week in my poll, writing updates scored pretty high. So I’ve decided to make the last Thursday of the month my writing update day. Aand there are some interesting things going on since last week.

Tate Publishing, my publisher for the Aredor series, has closed. *cue some panicked running around* Fortunately I will be able to get my book files from them and get the contract squared away to where I can republish. So I think I will be republishing them independently instead of looking for another publishing house. That will probably be happening sometime this summer. On top of studying for my licensure exam. Party.

So now the question becomes, do I give them another edit or leave as they are in a sad little monument to my first foray into the writing/publishing world? I can safely admit that I’ve come a long way in my writing since I started writing those books 7 years ago. Or do I even want to try and touch them? I’m not talking about huge edits that will change content, just housekeeping type stuff that will fix POV switches, dialogue tags, maybe add a sentence in here or there. I have absolutely no idea what to do. But I keep telling myself to just calm down and wait until I get the files and everything.

Obviously, it’s not cool that the publisher is closed, but I think working with them was a great experience and that there’s some awesome things ahead.

So, if you’ve read the Aredor series, I’d love some feedback from you!!


Two weeks ago I finished up a Fiction Writing Course with an amazing writer and editor who I’ve had the pleasure of meeting, Katie Morford! It was a fantastic course which I highly recommend for young/new writers or writers like me who still struggle with a few things… 🙂 Also, she’ll be editing The Wolf Prince for me later this year! It’ll be my first big professional edit and I’m kind of scared for my little baby who hasn’t even been finished yet. 😛


Speaking of! I was working on The Wolf Prince the other day and confusing myself on days and finally made the timeline that should have happened a long time ago. Bottom line is, I realized I’m closer to the big climax than I thought which is super exciting. It means a lot of “fun” things get to start happening. *cue maniacal writer laugh* I also had to merge into another notebook. I should have planned better at the beginning and just gotten one of the 3 or 5 subject notebooks. Ah well.

Here’s some excerpts.

Lars offered a half-smile in something of an apology. Killian stared back, amber eyes glinting in the firelight, finally jerking his head in a nod. 

Rose’s smile was too small to be real. Killian nudged her leg and she brushed his ear. 

She waltzed to the river and plunged her hand under the swirling water. Foam whisked away as the water piled atop itself in eager waves before smoothing into a high prowed vessel. 

Killian’s posture was not one of aggression, but alert curiosity. “He’s leaving,” Rose noted. Lars turned enough to watch from the corner of his eye. 

A slender white shape flickered through the trees, spots a strange patchwork disguise. “Cat,” he thought with a faint snarl. 

And work has commenced on the cover art! I’m super excited for it and can’t wait to share it!!! (It might take a bit for it to be done since my sister decided she had to go back for the new semester and keep furthering her education. What is that about? 😛 )

 So after I finish writing the first draft, then I’ll transcribe into the computer for draft 2 and the first bit of edits. Then I’ll probably be looking for some beta readers? I know it’s early, but anyone interested in beta-ing for me here in a few months?

How goeth your writing projects? Thoughts on my publishing dilemma?

20 thoughts on “An Unfortunate Event?

    • Hehe! Right? That’s kind of where I am right now on it. But still I know there’s so many things I could make better, but it also seems like a long and difficult process. Maybe I’m just being lazy… 😛

      Liked by 1 person

  1. So I’ve got some stuff that I’ve been editing that I wrote 7-10 years ago as well. I’m finding that a lot of it is probably garbage and I really should scrap it and start completely over! Agh! So my opinion is that if you don’t want to do that to yourself, just leave it how it is. Also, if you’re looking for a company to publish through that’s easy, I highly recommend Outskirts Press. They did my first book and it was great! My free author copies even got lost by UPS and they sent me new ones. 10/10 would go with them again. Also, if you’re interested in starting your own publishing co or LLC or whatever, I’ve just finished going through all those processes and I can give you some info/insight into doing it that way. It’s probably more expensive, but I own everything and don’t have to rely on anybody to do anything other than cover design and interior book layout. Let me know if you want more info!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sorry about having to transition from your publisher, Claire! I have a friend here in town who went through the same thing with what’s-their-name out of Seattle when they shut down last year. He’s self-publishing now. I’m so excited to hear about everything else though!

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  3. I finished my first novel several months ago and after a line edit, we are working on cover art. I never anticipated all I’m going through, but would never have thought of losing a publisher, especially one you have already worked with and established some apparent rapport. Must be difficult, but it sound like you are soldiering on. God bless and don’t give up the good fight!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Glen!
      Congrats on finishing your novel!! That’s awesome. 🙂
      Yeah, it’s not fun to lose the publisher. But I know that everything happens for a reason, so I’m sure that God will work everything out.
      Thanks for stopping by!


  4. Can’t wait for Wolf Prince! Will you do several waves of beta readers? If so, I’d like to be in the 2nd or 3rd wave! 🙂
    Sorry to hear about the publisher. I know one author friend who is rewriting her old series, but it’s really up to you what you want to do with Aredor. I’d say either way is good, whichever you feel is best for you. I debat whether or not to go over Bleeding Heart again.
    I’m curious to learn more about LLC and making my own little publishing company one day. If you have any tips or info, I’d love to hear them. 🙂

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    • I’m not sure what the plan is as far as beta readers yet. Maybe just one round and then more of my edits and then off to the editor. But I’ll probably have a post about it within the next few months if all goes according to plan. Ha. Ha. 🙂
      Yeah, I’m thinking about doing some deep edits, nothing storyline related, but just cleaning it up a little.
      And I’m back and forth on my own imprint. But I got some good info from a follower so if you’d like I’ll forward it on to you.

      Liked by 1 person

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